"Saint Valentine's Day" Card
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Love is the name,kiss is the game forget the name lets play the game.
Love is heat.
You are sweet.
When two Lips are meet.
Love is complete.
Dear customer! your kiss balance is getting low!! Please get somebody and recharge ur balance now! u have
2 free kiss, and 3minutes hug will be expired on 1st jenuary 2007
If you are ever in doubt as to whether or not to kiss a pretty girl, always give her the benefit of the doubt.
"Where should one use perfume?"
a young woman asked.
"Wherever one wants to be kissed,"
I said.
if i could bring back memories i would bring the first day i kissed you i look you in the eyes and felt love.thanks god an angel came into my life!
read out this sms very carefully watch as u read it wide coz i've filled it with staffed loads of kisses & hundreds loads of huggles inside...
proposing u was my desire having u is my jekpot loving u is my attitude pleasing u is my duty missing u is my habit kising u is my wish 2gether 4eva my filfilment .
Life is nothing without LOVE, LUV is emotion & Kiss is practical, don't get emotional yar just b practical so STOP luving and START Kissing.
My love for you grows more with each passing day,
The thought of your gorgeous face takes my breath away:
Those brown eyes fill my soul with happiness,
Those luscious lips I love to kiss.
U r sweeter than honey. purer than milk. softer than flower. since i have u as my lover, come to me near, i'll kiss ur lips without fear. u'll say, having u is treasure & be wit me for ever.
A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I'm missing you.
TaLk 2 me wHen i'm boReD, kiSS me wHen i'm saD, hug me wHen i cRy, caRe 4 me wHen i diE, loVe me When i'm sTill Alive...
Whats life ? Life is love. Whats love ? Love is kissing. Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you!
love is heat
which is very sweet
love is incomplete
till 2 lips meet.
Tags:hug day scraps, kiss day scraps, hug day, hug day sms, kiss day, hug day pics, kiss day sms, kiss day, valentine week list, kiss day 2011, kiss day date, hug day sms, hug pictures, hug, hug day, hug quotes, hug wallpapers, hug day wallpapers, hug sms, kiss sms, hug day sms, happy valentine day, hug quotes, kiss quotes, happy hug day sms, happy hug day, valentine pictures, valentine, valantine, happy kiss day
hug day scraps, kiss day sms, hug pictures, hug sms, happy hug day sms
Kissing tips for Valentine's Day
Hug Day SMS, Happy Hug Day Messages, Hug Day Greetings Cards with Love
Promise Day SMS, Happy Promise Day messages, Promise Day Greetings
Promise Day SMS Promise Day Messages, Promise Day Greetings, Promise Day Scraps – The month of February is full of different days. People are celebrating Propose 11th February is the Promise day in Valentine week. People are searching for Promise Day SMS, Promise Day Messages, Promise Day Greetings, Promise Day Scraps etc. Here are some Promise Day SMS. Promise Day will be celebrated on February 11 as the Valentine’s Day has already kicked off. People make promises to each other on the occasion of Promise Day on 11 February 2011
Speaking without egos, Loving without intentions, Caring without expectations, I promise you that you will be mine always.
Happy Promise Day
This Promise Day 2010. I don’t promise you the moon,
I don’t promise you the star, but if you promise to remember me,
I promise to be always there. Thinking of you on this Promise Day.
I promise you my life
I promise we’ll never be apart
I promise not to hurt you
I promise to never make you
I promise to always trust you
I promise not to lie
I promise you forever
I promise you tonight
I promise you my respect
I promise to do things right
I promise to always be there
I promise until the end
I promise to always love you
i promise to be your best friend
I promise you my love
I promise you my life
I promise this forever
I promise our friendship is my life
your the PEANUT to my BUTTER
your the STAR to my BURST
your the T to my T
your the POP to my TART
your the MILKY to my WAY
your the FRUIT to my LOOP
your the MILK to my DUDS
your the LUCKY to my CHARMS
your the ICE to my CREAM
but mostly….
your the BEST to my FRIEND
This Promise Day 2010. I don’t promise you the moon,
I don’t promise you the star, but if you promise to remember me,
I promise to be always there. Thinking of you on this Promise Day.
Love is the happiness of today, And promise of tomorrow,
so this warm note comes to you, to say that live life with a heart full of love.
Happy Promise Day
With every beat of my heart, I will love you more and more, After years of togetherness, This is my solemn vow for you, my love!
Happy Promise Day
We met it was Luck! We talked it was CHANCE!
We became friends it was DESTINY! We are still friends it is FAITH!
We will always be friends its a PROMISE! On this Promise Day.
This Promise Day 2011. I don’t promise you the moon,
I don’t promise you the star, but if you promise to remember me,
I promise to be always there. Thinking of you on this Promise Day.
With every beat of my heart…
I will love you more and more,
After years of togetherness…
This is my solemn vow for you, my love!
Happy Promise Day…
Tags: Promise Day SMS, Happy Promise Day messages, Promise Day Greetings, promise day scraps, happy promise day sms, promise day, promise sms, promise day sms, happy promise day, promise day scraps, happy promise day sms, promise day, promise sms, promise day sms, happy promise day, promise quotes, promise day sms, promise day, promise day quotes, teddy bear scraps, promise day scrap
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